
Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西

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Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 博客來 In this 10th edition, Belch/Belch introduces students to the fast-changing field of advertising and promotion. While advertising is its primary focus, it is more than just an introductory advertising text because there is more to most organizations promotional programs than just advertising. The changes happening in the world of advertising are leading marketers and their agencies to approach advertising and promotion from an integrated marketing communications (IMC) perspective, which calls for a big picture? approach to planning marketing and promotion programs and coordinating the various communication functions. To understand the role of advertising and promotion in today's business world, one must recognize how a firm can use all the promotional tools to communicate with its customers.


Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/09/29
  • 語言:英文

Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西 評比 博客來網路書局

Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西

Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西推薦,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西討論Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西比較評比,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西開箱文,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西部落客
Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西
那裡買,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西價格,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西特賣會,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西評比,Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西部落客 推薦








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Advertising and Promotion:An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (Asia Global Edition)10-e省錢買東西


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